Verse 1:
No word or prayer, no song that we could sing
With flawless words could capture all You are
No lofty thought, no scholar of this world
Could e’re describe the beauty of our King
Though we cannot comprehend such a mystery
Just a glimpse of You revealed is compelling us to sing
Holy, holy is the Lord God almighty
Worthy, worthy is Your Name
All of Heaven joins the universe ever crying
Worthy, worthy is Your name
Verse 2:
With hearts amazed and songs that never frame
The fullness of your worth and majesty
We come again and fall on bended knee
And here adore the God that we don’t see
Verse 3:
When You return, we’ll hear the trumpet sound
Our tongues will sing and every knee will bow
Your Church will stand and sing forevermore
The honor and the praise, the glory is the Lord’s
Chorus (x2)
Worthy, worthy is Your name
Worthy, worthy is Your name
Worthy, worthy is Your name