

What is Discovery?

Discovery is an orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership. Download the Discovery Doctrine Study Guide here.

Upcoming Classes

There are no upcoming events at this time.


What is Foundations?

Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. Foundations is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will have the opportunity to complete church membership.

Upcoming Classes

There are no upcoming events at this time.


Covenant Membership

We believe membership is a biblical concept that functions best as a shepherding tool for our staff and elders. It allows believers to make known both their commitment to Christ and their commitment to one another. At the same time, it reflects a commitment from the church’s elders and staff to pray for, equip, shepherd, and hold you accountable to your covenant commitment to Christ and the local church. For more information, read our position paper on Church Membership.

If you have completed Discovery and Foundations and want to pursue covenant membership, please contact your campus administrator. To reach out via email, click here to find campus staff contact information.