Historical Significance
  • Church of the Holy Sepulchre – Originally built by the mother of Emperor Constantine in 330 A.D., the Church of the Holy Sepulchre commemorates the hill of Jesus’ crucifixion and the site of His burial tomb.
  • The original Byzantine church was destroyed by Muslims in AD 1009, but was shortly thereafter rebuilt by the Crusaders.
  • The Holy Sepulchre is one of the oldest and most well known churches in the world.
Political/Cultural Significance
  • Six Christian denominations currently have ownership “rights” in the church: The Armenian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, “Latins” (the Roman Catholics), Syrian Orthodox, Copts, and Ethiopian Orthodox. These six groups do not always get along very peaceably.
  • The Via Dolorosa, or “The Way of Sorrow,” is a traditional path within the Old City of Jerusalem on which Jesus walked on the way to His crucifixion.
  • The Via Dolorosa is now a famous site for Christian pilgrimage, and is marked by 9 Stations of the Cross prior to entrance into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christian pilgrimages along a Via Dolorosa date as far back as the Byzantine era.
Biblical Significance