Prayerful dependence is essential in a vibrant relationship with God. As we strive to grow in praying and trusting God, we offer these resources as tools to equip us for a strong prayer life.
In Luke’s account of the Lord’s Prayer, one of the disciples asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray.” In response, Jesus provided a model of how to draw close to God in worship and make requests in humble dependence. Like the disciples, we’re asking God to teach us to pray. Through this Night of Prayer specific series, we’ll ask Jesus to instill in our hearts that same humility as we come to him with our praises and burdens.
In Luke’s account of the Lord’s Prayer, one of the disciples asked Jesus, “teach us to pray.” In response, Jesus provided a model of how to draw close to God in worship and make requests in humble dependence. Like the disciples, we’re asking God to teach us to pray. Through this Night of Prayer specific series, we’ll ask Jesus to instill in our hearts that same humility as we come to him with our praises and burdens.
The first two words of the Lord’s Prayer mark the nature of our relationship with God. Our connection to him is both personal and intimate. Like Jesus, we can call upon our loving Father—the Ruler of all things—confident that he already identifies with us, knows our needs, and is sufficient for us.
In this first request that God’s name be hallowed, or “made holy,” we express ownership of his cause, aligning ourselves with the mission to advance his Kingdom. To ask that God’s name be treated as holy means that we commit ourselves to that work with our words and actions.
Pray TO: Take a moment to talk to God as your Father, keeping in mind that regardless of the nature of your earthly father, God is loving, stable, and trustworthy. Express your confidence in his goodness and nearness.
Pray FOR: Pray that God’s holiness would be known throughout the world. Specifically, ask God for opportunities to make his goodness known to those around you—both believers and non-believers.
Pray WITH: Join your brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for the Church’s work in the world. Pray that as a local body of believers, we would help each other to advance the reputation of our loving Father in our community in tangible ways.
Spend time in prayer recognizing God’s sovereignty over all situations. Acknowledge his power and glory, and express a confident trust in his ability to accomplish good things.
Spend time in prayer recognizing God’s care and concern for his children, along with his willingness for us to cast our cares and anxieties on him. Bring whatever burdens you are carrying to him.
Pray for our lives to be full of integrity while we care for others in our homes and workplaces, that we might model and represent the character of our God well.
Pray for the ministry partners we work with at Grace (Project HOPE, JUMPSTART, Homes of Hope, Jasmine Road) that as we work together, God’s reputation in the community would be elevated.
In Luke’s account of the Lord’s Prayer, one of the disciples asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray.” In response, Jesus provided a model of how to draw close to God in worship and make requests in humble dependence. Like the disciples, we’re asking God to teach us to pray. Through this Night of Prayer specific series, we’ll ask Jesus to instill in our hearts that same humility as we come to him with our praises and burdens.
In Luke’s account of the Lord’s Prayer, one of the disciples asked Jesus, “teach us to pray.” In response, Jesus provided a model of how to draw close to God in worship and make requests in humble dependence. Like the disciples, we’re asking God to teach us to pray. Through this Night of Prayer specific series, we’ll ask Jesus to instill in our hearts that same humility as we come to him with our praises and burdens.
The first two words of the Lord’s Prayer mark the nature of our relationship with God. Our connection to him is both personal and intimate. Like Jesus, we can call upon our loving Father—the Ruler of all things—confident that he already identifies with us, knows our needs, and is sufficient for us.
In this first request that God’s name be hallowed, or “made holy,” we express ownership of his cause, aligning ourselves with the mission to advance his Kingdom. To ask that God’s name be treated as holy means that we commit ourselves to that work with our words and actions.
Pray TO: Take a moment to talk to God as your Father, keeping in mind that regardless of the nature of your earthly father, God is loving, stable, and trustworthy. Express your confidence in his goodness and nearness.
Pray FOR: Pray that God’s holiness would be known throughout the world. Specifically, ask God for opportunities to make his goodness known to those around you—both believers and non-believers.
Pray WITH: Join your brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for the Church’s work in the world. Pray that as a local body of believers, we would help each other to advance the reputation of our loving Father in our community in tangible ways.
Spend time in prayer recognizing God’s sovereignty over all situations. Acknowledge his power and glory, and express a confident trust in his ability to accomplish good things.
Spend time in prayer recognizing God’s care and concern for his children, along with his willingness for us to cast our cares and anxieties on him. Bring whatever burdens you are carrying to him.
Pray for our lives to be full of integrity while we care for others in our homes and workplaces, that we might model and represent the character of our God well.
Pray for the ministry partners we work with at Grace (Project HOPE, JUMPSTART, Homes of Hope, Jasmine Road) that as we work together, God’s reputation in the community would be elevated.
Acknowledge that God created marriage and recognize him as the one who can lead and direct your marriage. Tell him you are willing to trust and follow his good purposes for you and your marriage relationship. Praise God as your heavenly Father who is intimately aware of your life and cares for you deeply. Share with your heavenly Father one concern in your marriage and ask him to give you confident hope and peace as you trust in him.
Pray that marriages across Grace Church would be filled with sacrificial love, grace, and tender care toward one another. Ask God to help you be more focused on his holiness being on display in your marriage than your personal comfort, security, or desires. Tell God you are thankful for his unlimited power and gracious love to transform you and, therefore, your marriage. Pray for the couples in your group. Pray that their individual lives would continue to be transformed by the grace of God. Ask God to provide opportunities for them to share with others how he changed their lives.
Recognize God’s sovereign power and leadership in your life. Thank him for his concern and care for you. Acknowledge your trust and confidence in his wisdom in directing you. Remember God’s goodness and express your gratitude and contentment in all that he has done for you. Share with your heavenly Father one concern in your life and ask him to give you confident hope and peace as you wait patiently for him.
Pray that your life would be filled with purpose as you represent God and his purposes in this world. Ask God for strength to live with integrity and a love for others that reflects God’s character. Pray that God would continue to transform you and enable you to serve those around you. Ask God to help you prioritize his reputation over your own personal comfort, security, or desires. Pray that your relationships would provide opportunities to share what God is doing in your life.