Historical Significance
  • The remains of an elaborate north-south colonnaded street known as the Cardo were found in the center of the Jewish Quarter, exactly as depicted in the Madaba map.
  • The southern part of the Cardo, uncovered in the Jewish Quarter, was built during the reign of the emperor Justinian (527-565), as a continuation of the earlier, Roman, northern part from the 2nd century AD, thus linking the two main churches of Byzantine Jerusalem; the Holy Sepulcher and the Nea Church.
Political/Cultural Significance
  • A Cardo Maximus was located in all Roman cities and military camps. It was the main north-south road that ran through the city and served as the center for the local economy. It was also the main branch for all other roads.
  • One can walk today along the reconstructed part of the Cardo, as did people some 1500 years ago. In the twelfth century, the Crusaders built a covered bazaar over a section of the Cardo; from this section, the debris of centuries has been removed and modern stores offer their wares to shoppers.