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Another Example of Natural Burial – Westminster, SC

Ramsey Creek is a natural burial site in Westminster, SC. This was the first natural/green burial site in the country and has been incredibly helpful to our church as we explore this idea. They are run by a private organization, and their focus is slightly different, with an emphasis on land conservation.


How Did We Get Our Modern Forms of Burial?

Refrigeration, dry ice, or non-formaldehyde embalming products slow down body decomposition and can allow for public viewings and give out-of-town loved ones time to travel. This “American way of death” has been the most popular form of American burial since the 1930s.


Sermon Series – Theology of Death

In order to view death through a biblical lens, we must first understand what our culture says about it. In our Theology of Death sermon series, Grace teachers trace death back to its root cause, the Fall. They also contrast our culture’s aversion to this subject with a biblical understanding of it as both groaning under the weight of sin and brokenness and future glory in the presence of Christ.