Honoring life.

What is a natural burial? Natural burial is a way to shepherd our hearts and minds as we surround our loved ones in death. As a peaceful, less expensive, and simple alternative, there is no vault, coffin, or embalming. As a result, costs of a funeral are kept low and we become better stewards of the environment. Natural burial presents an opportunity for the church to take a more active role in the death and burial process.

Where we are located

Grace has purchased 12.1 acres in Anderson County, SC. The location is two miles from I-85 exit 35, off Browning Road. The grounds are currently ready and available for burial.


A short message from Matt Kelley.

Why natural burial?

There are three primary reasons that we, as a church, feel natural burial honors God and follows sound principles of stewardship. Our goal is to equip the local church, steward our finances well, and make wise decisions about the environment.

Contact us

If you have questions about natural burial or are interested in future volunteer opportunities, email Jennifer Dill, Funeral & Bereavement Coordinator.