Outreach Tools

As followers of Jesus, we are each commissioned to get involved in someone else’s life, meet their needs, and help them grow in their relationship with Christ. Jesus doesn’t ask us to just be nice to our neighbors but to sacrifice, to love others who are nothing like us, to enter into others’ brokenness, and to inconvenience ourselves for the sake of the gospel. This is our common calling.

We know it can be challenging to determine where to get involved, so we have created several resources to help you. The Outreach Serving Tool and the accompanying video lead you through a series of questions to identify one action step you can take to pursue your personal ministry in our community. What’s My Responsibility in Serving Others and its accompanying video address why we serve and more fully develop the two concepts in the outreach serving tool.

You Can’t Outsource Your Outreach

Intentionality in Sharing Your Faith

What’s My Responsibility in Serving Others

Outreach Serving Tool