Why Serve Prisoners?

Over two million people are currently incarcerated in the United States, and of those two million, 95% will be released back into our communities. Most of these men and women will leave prison unprepared and under-resourced to reenter society. We believe that gospel-centered discipleship is the solution to help those incarcerated find purpose and a productive life after prison.

For a broader vision of JUMPSTART, visit their website.

How to Serve

We currently have two primary opportunities to serve with JUMPSTART—inside volunteers and outside mentoring.

Inside Volunteers

Facilitate and lead discipleship programs inside of correctional institutions. You will be a part of a team that enters the prison regularly to encourage, inspire, teach, and facilitate the discipleship classes.

Outside Mentoring

Mentors who come alongside a man or woman who has been released from prison and help them reintegrate into society. Other outside mentors use their gifts and experience in a variety of ways to help with social media engagement, fundraising, prayer teams, and just about anything else you can think of to accomplish the mission.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please let us know if you are interested in serving!

Additional Resources

Letter Writing to Inmates

Journal for Those in Transitional Housing

JUMPSTART Shame Conference

We visited Leath Correctional with 25 of our volunteers and staff for a women’s conference on finding freedom from shame. Sixty JUMPSTART participants learned that they did not have to be bound by the shame of their past but instead could experience true freedom found in Jesus Christ.