Establishment of the State of Israel
1948 – 1949
Arab / Israeli conflict
Six Day War leads to reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli rule, as well as Israeli control of the West Bank, Golan Heights, and Gaza Strip. Israel expands territory after fighting with all its surrounding neighbors – Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
Surprise attack on Israel by Egypt and Syria triggers Yom Kippur War.
Camp David Accords set framework for peace treaty between Egypt and Israel and comprehensive peace agreement in the Middle East.
First Intifada (uprising) begins with Palestinian rioting against Israel.
Oslo Accords feature talks between Israel and the PLO
2000 (September)
Second Intifada begins when Palestinians use Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount as trigger for planned riots.
Israel unilaterally disengages from the Gaza Strip, leaving the territory under full Palestinian control. In 2007, the Palestinian organization named Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip.