We know that our community and our faith are more important than ever. Here are the top four ways to make sure you stay connected with Grace Church.
If you would like to watch together online, we will be streaming to Facebook at 10am Sunday morning.
Kids |
The best way to stay up-to-date on all things Grace Church Kids is through our weekly newsletter. You can also find family lessons, activities, and worship songs on our curriculum page. |
Students |
The best way to stay up-to-date on all our Grace Church Students events and resources is through our weekly newsletter and student Instagram. You can find student teaching here: 5th-6th Grade 7th-8th Grade 9th-12th Grade |
See what events are happening below.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
All Central Events
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The story of 1 Samuel traces Saul’s rise and fall along with David’s strange succession. As fortunes turn upside down, the reader wonders if God will keep his promises to Abraham and bless the world through such a self-imploding nation and the reign of a human king. Join us as we explore 1 Samuel to see how God’s agenda for his Kingdom will always challenge our ideal of life and liberty on our own terms.
Our weekly email newsletter and campus-specific newsletters
are the best ways to stay up-to-date on everything happening at Grace Church.
Check out last week’s Stuff That Matters below!
Sermon recaps, reading plans, additional resources, and more.