Foundations Links

We hope that you have enjoyed your time getting to know the church through Discovery and Foundations. We are excited that you are continuing on in biblical community here at Grace, and we want to make sure you have the resources you need to continue on with membership.

To complete membership:

1) Listen/Watch the teaching on core values, gender, and the gospel.

This is what is covered in the Foundations Groups curriculum and will be helpful in gaining a deeper understanding of our church’s values. A study guide is also attached which has some questions for each session that may help you think through each topic.

Core Value #1
Core Value #2
Core Value #3
Core Value #4
Core Value #5
Core Value #6
Tim Keller Sermon

2) Let me know when you have completed #1, and I will set up a time when we can meet to answer any questions you may have and go over the membership covenant.

This is what would normally happen in the final week of the Foundations group’s 9 week curriculum. This will allow you to complete membership without having to wait until completing Re|Engage and joining a Foundations group.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting with you soon. .