Men’s Roundtable (MRT) provides a group of studies that support the ministry to men at Grace Church. They lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God. We offer teaching on various topics related to biblical masculinity. Our core teaching, Authentic Manhood, is offered on an ongoing basis across all of our campuses.


Men’s Roundtable (MRT) provides a group of studies that support the ministry to men at Grace Church. They lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God. We offer teaching on various topics related to biblical masculinity. Our core teaching, Authentic Manhood, is offered on an ongoing basis across all of our campuses.

“In a world that offers only toxic or shallow definitions of manhood, we must examine the Scriptures to discover what it truly means to be a man.”

Our new, eight-week version of Authentic Manhood will lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God.


There are no upcoming events at this time.



Study teaching





Study teaching













“MRT has changed my life. Hearing God’s Word directed towards men has helped me get clarity on my duties as a man, husband, and father.”

-Jeff Harris

“MRT has given me a sense of who God created me to be as a man and leader of my home. Also, through biblically sound teaching, I’ve learned what my role and responsibility is as a husband and father.”

-Brian Meares

“Sitting in a room with other men, speaking honestly and vulnerably about how the Lord has designed us as men ignited something in me. The Lord used MRT to set a new trajectory for me and the way I was living my life and my faith.”

-Adam Sanders

“MRT has helped me see the truth about myself more clearly and honestly. It’s helped me identify areas of my spiritual life that I’ve neglected for years. I understand better what it means to be a godly man.”

-Josh White


Authentic Manhood | Masculinidad Auténtica

In a world that offers only toxic or shallow definitions of manhood, we must examine the Scriptures to discover what it truly means to be a man. What does it look like for men to lead and care for the people God has entrusted to them? How can we become men of substance who bless those around us? Our new, eight-week version of Authentic Manhood, which includes an introductory week and seven teaching sessions, will lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God.

Sons and Daughters

Our culture is on a mission to capture our young people, and fathers must be vigilant on the front lines—fighting to captivate their children’s hearts for the Lord. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, will explore the key areas where dads should encourage, challenge, and equip their sons and daughters. We will be looking at practical ways in which dads can invest in their sons and daughters as they move out of elementary school and into middle and high school.

The Quest for Purity | En Búsqueda de la Pureza

The Quest for Purity addresses the challenge of masculinity in relation to our sexual purity. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, is designed to equip men in all stages of life to pursue Biblical purity. Topics include sexual stewardship for singles, creating intimacy for the long haul, shepherding our sons’ sexual development, and how we can move toward purity together as men.

Leadership Values | Valores de Liderazgo

This is an eight-week study, which includes an introductory week and seven teaching sessions, where we explore leadership values for our men. Beginning with a look at character as the foundation, we then explore seven ideas that are important components of leadership. These values are rooted in Scriptural examples and real life personal and business applications.

A Man and His Work

As men, we were created to work. It is one of the primary ways we express being made in God’s image. This is a seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, where we explore the purpose of work, work in a fallen world, escapism, vocation, recreation, rest, and the redemption of our work.

A Man and His Wife

A Man and His Wife addresses the challenge of masculinity and implementing principles of biblical masculinity in the context of marriage. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, is designed to give men a language to think about the core strengths and core struggles of men, as well as a tool to converse with their wives and other men. This study is designed for all men, whether you have been married for 30 years or you hope to be married one day.


Authentic Manhood | Masculinidad Auténtica

In a world that offers only toxic or shallow definitions of manhood, we must examine the Scriptures to discover what it truly means to be a man. What does it look like for men to lead and care for the people God has entrusted to them? How can we become men of substance who bless those around us? Our new, eight-week version of Authentic Manhood, which includes an introductory week and seven teaching sessions, will lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God.

Sons and Daughters

Our culture is on a mission to capture our young people, and fathers must be vigilant on the front lines—fighting to captivate their children’s hearts for the Lord. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, will explore the key areas where dads should encourage, challenge, and equip their sons and daughters. We will be looking at practical ways in which dads can invest in their sons and daughters as they move out of elementary school and into middle and high school.

The Quest for Purity | En Búsqueda de la Pureza

The Quest for Purity addresses the challenge of masculinity in relation to our sexual purity. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, is designed to equip men in all stages of life to pursue Biblical purity. Topics include sexual stewardship for singles, creating intimacy for the long haul, shepherding our sons’ sexual development, and how we can move toward purity together as men.

Leadership Values | Valores de Liderazgo

This is an eight-week study, which includes an introductory week and seven teaching sessions, where we explore leadership values for our men. Beginning with a look at character as the foundation, we then explore seven ideas that are important components of leadership. These values are rooted in Scriptural examples and real life personal and business applications.

A Man and His Work

As men, we were created to work. It is one of the primary ways we express being made in God’s image. This is a seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, where we explore the purpose of work, work in a fallen world, escapism, vocation, recreation, rest, and the redemption of our work.

A Man and His Wife

A Man and His Wife addresses the challenge of masculinity and implementing principles of biblical masculinity in the context of marriage. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, is designed to give men a language to think about the core strengths and core struggles of men, as well as a tool to converse with their wives and other men. This study is designed for all men, whether you have been married for 30 years or you hope to be married one day.


We also ask every man to find a place to serve in the life of the church. Let us know where you would like to try serving.