Ezer is an equipping ministry by women for women.

Ministry to and through women at Grace Church is happening wherever women are present—whether Campus Impact, Outreach, Grace Church Kids, Grace Church Students, community groups, Care and Recovery, or Ezer.

 Community groups are our long-term discipleship offering and our primary focus as a church. However, we also offer crisis-based discipleship opportunities through our Care and Recovery ministry and short-term, gender-specific discipleship opportunities through our Men’s Roundtable and Ezer ministries.

 The Ezer ministry is a strategic, narrowly focused way in which we minister to and through women at Grace. The initiative of the Ezer ministry is to provide gender-specific, topic-focused, short-term biblical discipleship groups that address current, contextual issues we feel are threatening the spiritual maturity of the women in our church.

 To that end, we have created resources that bring the truth of the Scriptures to issues of feminine design and identity; the power of a woman’s words for life and death; a biblical view of the body and faithful stewardship of it in a body-obsessed culture; God’s design for sex and living with sexual integrity regardless of your season of life; and the pervasive role of shame in the life of women.

 Ezer groups are meant to be supplemental, not serve as a substitute for community group. Our desire is to equip women for life on life discipleship in these key areas of their lives by providing the truth of the Scriptures, helpful language, and practical application with the goal of life change. 

Ezer Resources


God created every woman with a specific purpose – to be an ezer kenegdo, an essential counterpart. An ezer is one who comes alongside another and brings strength in the context of relationship. All women share this core calling, but how we live out our calling looks different for each woman based on her personality, gifts, strengths, perspectives, and season of life. Through the Biblical Femininity study, we learn to embrace our uniqueness and live out our calling right where God has us today.

Register for a study at your campus:

Pelham | Powdersville | Anderson | Greer | Travelers Rest | Spartanburg | Downtown | Harrison Bridge | Español  | Taylors 


Sex and sexuality can be a confusing and divisive topic, both in our culture and in the church. And because we live in a fallen world, all of us struggle with some aspect of sexual brokenness. Many of us have carried wounds of sexual sin for years—shame over sins done to us, sins we’ve committed, and wounds that are simply the result of the fallen nature of our world.

Redeeming Sexuality takes a deep, biblical look at the roots of sexual brokenness, how it is manifested in our lives, and how we can find freedom and hope in the gospel. In this newly revised study we will examine sex and sexuality from a biblical perspective and take our fractured hearts to a loving Father who is skilled in mending us with love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Register for a study at your campus:

Pelham | Powdersville | Anderson | Greer | Travelers Rest | Spartanburg | Downtown | Harrison Bridge | Español  | Taylors 


Countless women battle a spirit of restlessness, insecurity, shame, and discontent with their own bodies. This issue is particularly complex within the church, because Biblical truth is often intertwined with cultural standards. Whether facing physical challenges such as aging, disability, illness, and death, or more emotional challenges like comparison, discontentment, envy, and insecurity, most women will struggle with their bodies at some point during their lives, which makes this an important topic for all women.

Register for a study at your campus:

Pelham | Powdersville | Anderson | Greer | Travelers Rest | Spartanburg | Downtown | Harrison Bridge | Español  | Taylors 


Words are tools. We use them to express ourselves, to communicate, and to connect with others. We use them to vent frustrations and to express joy. We use them to bless and to curse. We use words to manipulate and control and to help and encourage. We use words in ways that tear others down, and we use them in ways that build others up. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose” (MSG). Words aren’t neutral. They are productive. There is no avoiding this truth – our words will either have positive or negative ramifications. We all know the power of our words, so why do we still struggle to use them in ways that bring life rather than death?

Join us for this new nine-week Ezer study, A Woman’s Words: Getting to the Heart of our Speech. We will explore what the Scripture has to say about our words and how the gospel has the power and hope we need to transform them.

Register for a study at your campus:

Pelham | Powdersville | Anderson | Greer | Travelers Rest | Spartanburg | Downtown | Harrison Bridge | Español  | Taylors 


Shame is a universal issue; we all experience it, it’s just not something we talk about. It is often confused with perfectionism, people-pleasing, fear of man, or guilt. Shame is the powerful undercurrent that lurks undetected in the dark corners of our lives and shapes our day-to-day choices, actions, and relationships. Though the circumstances and experiences of shame are different for every woman, the core is the same for all: shame is an identity issue.

You may feel the sting of shame from your own choices, or maybe you feel marked by the shameful actions others committed against you; you may be deeply aware of shame in your life or you think shame is something only the most broken struggle with. Regardless of where you find yourself, everyone needs to grow in awareness of what shame is and how it operates. This study will help you learn what shame is, identify the experiences, thoughts, and feelings that cause shame, how it affects you in everyday life, and how to live in the freedom and comfort Christ holds out to you.

Register for a study at your campus:

Pelham | Powdersville | Anderson | Greer | Travelers Rest | Spartanburg | Downtown | Harrison Bridge | Español  | Taylors 


Ezer Applied is an interactive journal that will help you integrate the foundational truths laid out in the Grace Church Ezer studies and apply them to your current season and context. It’s divided into three sections: Calling, Individuality, and Season. Each section helps you take what you’ve already learned through Biblical Femininity and other Ezer studies and apply it to your life, your context, your season, and your individuality. If you have not already completed the Biblical Femininity study, we recommend you do so before going through the Ezer Applied material. This resource is not meant to be used as a substitute for the Ezer studies, but rather a discipleship tool to revisit regularly and process with a friend, a mentor, or your biblical community.


The monthly Ezer Equipped newsletter equips women for life change by providing a biblical worldview on relevant topics, as well as tools to help us grow in self-awareness and move in faith and obedience. We encourage you to pick at least one recommended resource from the newsletter to read or listen to throughout the course of that month, spend time reflecting on the discussion questions, and prayerfully determine what your next steps need to be in this specific area. The newsletter can be used in book clubs, Ezer groups, community groups, or one-on-one conversations to spur one another on toward spiritual maturity.

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