Ministry to and through women at Grace Church is happening wherever women are present—whether Campus Impact, Outreach, Grace Church Kids, Grace Church Students, community groups, Care and Recovery, or Ezer.
Community groups are our long-term discipleship offering and our primary focus as a church. However, we also offer crisis-based discipleship opportunities through our Care and Recovery ministry and short-term, gender-specific discipleship opportunities through our Men’s Roundtable and Ezer ministries.
The Ezer ministry is a strategic, narrowly focused way in which we minister to and through women at Grace. The initiative of the Ezer ministry is to provide gender-specific, topic-focused, short-term biblical discipleship groups that address current, contextual issues we feel are threatening the spiritual maturity of the women in our church.
To that end, we have created resources that bring the truth of the Scriptures to issues of feminine design and identity; the power of a woman’s words for life and death; a biblical view of the body and faithful stewardship of it in a body-obsessed culture; God’s design for sex and living with sexual integrity regardless of your season of life; and the pervasive role of shame in the life of women.
Ezer groups are meant to be supplemental, not serve as a substitute for community group. Our desire is to equip women for life on life discipleship in these key areas of their lives by providing the truth of the Scriptures, helpful language, and practical application with the goal of life change.