Support Foster & Adopt Families

As the church, we all have different roles to play in caring for vulnerable children. Many of our support programs are completely run by volunteers. Would you consider committing to serving fostering and adoptive families in one of these ways?

Serve Foster & Adopt Families at Your Campus

As our Foster & Adopt ministry grows across our campuses, we are grateful for the opportunities God has provided to care for vulnerable children. We desire to engage with Foster & Adopt families personally and regularly throughout their journey. Each campus has a Foster & Adopt Champion that connects with families and coordinates support when they need it most.

You could join them by providing meals, shopping for new additions, praying for a  Foster & Adopt family, or offering babysitting. Some members use their specialized skills or hobbies to provide free haircuts, birthday cakes, legal advice, freezer meals, photography, and much more.  If you are interested in serving on this team, let us know through the link below!

Interest Form

Advocating as a Guardian ad litem

In advocating for an abused or neglected child, a guardian ad litem gives a child a voice and a chance for a better life.  Serving as a Guardian ad litem can have a tremendous impact on a child’s life, but it also requires an investment of time and energy.  We want to come alongside our members who are interested in or currently serving as a Guardian ad litem to offer support, encouragement and community.  To find out more, scroll down and let us know of your interest.


Serving as a Guardian ad litem

Foster & Adopt Resource Center

We provide various necessary items to adoptive, foster care, and kinship care families. The Resource Center is staffed entirely by volunteers and we would love to have you join our team!

We are in need of dedicated people to help receive donations, sort, and organize donations (during and outside of operating hours), and help distribute items to families who come to shop.


Families Count

Families Count is a seven-week, biblically-based parent education program that is designed to meet the standards for state-approved parent education programs. Through Families Count, members at Grace Church are positioned to meet, mentor, and care for biological parents who are working to fulfill a court-mandated plan for reunification or parents who the court deems at-risk for a court-ordered disruption.  Our goal is to prayerfully provide support, guidance, and show mercy to parents who either have been separated from, or who are at risk of being separated from their children. Grace members serve Families Count participants as mentors for the full seven weeks, by providing transportation if necessary, and by providing meals for each class.

Scroll down and click “Let Us Know” if you are interested in serving with us!

Parent’s Night Out

Foster & Adopt Parent’s Night Out is open to Grace Church kinship caregivers as well as foster and adoptive parents. We provide free childcare, dinner, crafts, a Bible lesson, and fun & games for kids of all ages while parents run errands, have a date night, or simply use the time to rest and reset.

The event is led by volunteers and is a great opportunity to meet new people while serving foster and adoptive families in a unique and impactful way. We welcome individuals, families, and community groups to serve each month. Our greatest need is finding consistent and reliable volunteers who wish to develop relationships with and provide stability for the children and families we’re serving.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Families Count?

Families Count is a seven-week biblically based parenting class for parents who are working to fulfill a court-mandated plan for reunification or parents who the court deems at-risk for a court-ordered disruption.

What does the commitment look like for mentors?

We ask mentors to attend the first week of the class, and the last week of the class. We also ask mentors to meet with their mentee at least once a week face-to-face to encourage them and discuss the class material. Our goal is that ultimately this short term mentorship will develop into a long term friendship of learning and growing in community together.

Who can be a mentor?

Mentors must be covenant members of Grace Church, and have the capacity to meet at least once a week, face-to-face, for seven consecutive weeks.

Are there any other ways to serve with Families Count?

Yes! Your community group can provide a meal for the class, or if you speak Spanish, we may need your help translating during class every week. Click “Let Us Know” below and tell us which of these opportunities you’re interested in.

Am I financially responsible for my mentee?

No, we ask that you do not provide any financial support to your mentee whatsoever.

Is there any training required for mentors?

Yes, mentors must attend one night of training for two hours which will be announced before the class. Mentors are also required to pass a background check.

Are you interested in using your time and heart to serve Foster & Adopt families?