ViewPoint Leadership Year is a 26-session experience for young men and women to help them be effective leaders at work, church, and in the community and to help them consistently apply biblical principles to every area of their work and life.
VLY is a structured but organic collaborative weekly experience with each other, instructors, and a mentor/advisor team.
Participants gather with their group on Mondays from February–November (with summer and holidays off, a total of 26 meetings). Sessions run from 6:15–7:30 am.
Meetings will take place in a mutual agreed upon location by the group and the mentors. The sessions will be streamed live from our Pelham campus. (Groups can choose to meet at Pelham and attend the sessions live if they so desire.)
Through the ViewPoint leadership program, I not only learned from great content, but I was able to brainstorm with other leaders who were facing challenges similar to the ones I faced. This was unequivocally a high-value learning and encouraging experience.
-Cary Sanders | Executive Director of JumpStart
The group engages with a customized curriculum of teaching, articles, and other resources to provide context for group discussion and application.
Each session covers both a business/leadership-oriented concept and a discipleship/biblical worldview concept.
Each session includes time for group discussion with two mentors to help contextualize and apply the information from the sessions.
After each session members decide on one or more objectives—personal, business, or spiritual—to complete prior to the next meeting. Each member is assigned a partner from their group for a month for encouragement and accountability.
6:15 am Welcome
6:20 am Business skill/Practical leadership principle
6:40 am Discipleship issue/Biblical worldview
7:10 am Group Discussion/Application/Concrete Next Step
7:30 am Close
ViewPoint Leadership Year costs $79. Scholarships are available.
Any person in their 20s or early 30s can apply to be a part of this experience.
The primary facilitators will be pastors and teachers from the staff of Grace Church. Each group will also have two mentors from Grace staff and/or the business community.