Prefer to order online? Check out our Amazon lists for elementary students and middle/high students!
Many Grace Church members are involved in caring and advocating for vulnerable children on a weekly basis as foster or adoptive parents, guardian ad litems, Resource Center volunteers, through their jobs in social work, counseling, teaching, childcare, and more. This summer, we all have the opportunity to join them by providing backpacks and school supplies for over 1000 children in need across the Upstate. We want these children and their families to be reminded that they are seen and loved. As you shop, pray that these children would have a greater sense of God’s love for them as they receive your gift. Thank you for joining with us to support these children as they prepare for a new school year.
If you would like to participate, grab a Back-to-School Drive postcard at your campus or check out your campus information below. Then:
1. Shop for the backpack and supplies, and pray for the child who will receive these.
2. Attach the bottom of the postcard OR a handmade age label to the backpack.
3. Drop off at your campus July 9-16 before services or during the week.
Questions? Email [email protected]